K0 Please drive safely and never rely solely on these systems while driving. Drivers are fully responsible for their own safe driving.
K6 (SDA) supports Android™ 5.0 or higher/iOS 8.0 or higher for use with Android Auto™ / ApplePlay. Smartphone Link Display Audio will not operate in areas with no service signal and may not operate in supported areas where the signal is weak. Users are responsible for all charges incurred using smartphones and iPhones to connect to Android™ and CarPlay respectively. Some functions may not be available for use depending on the user’s location. Only compatible Apps can be used.
K7 UMS may not activate in some conditions. The engine output control activates when driving; 0-10km/h (not in N or P Position); obstacle/vehicle is within 4m range; accelerator pedal is pushed hard or abruptly; driver is not turning to avoid obstacle/vehicle. The detection and control capabilities of UMS are supplementary only and do not prevent misacceleration in every situation.
K8 The detection and control capabilities of BSW and LCA are supplementary only and do not warn you of vehicles in blind spots in every situation. BSW and LCA may not activate in some situations.
K9 Do not rely solely on this system, which may not detect all moving vehicles in certain conditions.
K10 The detection and control capabilities of FCM are supplementary only and do not prevent collisions in every situation. Please read the operation manual carefully and be aware of these limitations.
T1 Subject to state regulations and towbar designs. A Weight Distribution Hitch (WDH) is recommended for towball downloads exceeding 135kg. For further information, please refer to the Triton Owner's manual.
T2 Not available on GLX models.
T3 Available on all pick up models and only on cab-chassis models fitted with Mitsubishi’s genuine accessory tray.
T4 GLS only.
T5 GLS Premium only.